CHEF-KOCH's Microblog ✨

Custom Nextcloud 25 CSS Tweaks

Small Setup Procedure

Install Custom CSS app, you find the source code of the app here. Make sure to really enable it otherwise you do not see it under Theming.

Some CSS Tweaks

/* Remove reasons to use Nextcloud ad */
#open-reasons-use-nextcloud-pdf {display:none;}

/* Remove developer note ad */
.section.development-notice {display:none;}

/* Always show app menu names by default */
#appmenu li svg {
  transform: translateY(-6px)

#appmenu li span {
  opacity: .5;
  bottom: 2px;
  z-index: -1;

#appmenu li a::before {
  border-width: 4px;

/* Remove Contacts Menu until we get an Option or Contacts getting random IDs to enhance privacy. */
#contactsmenu {display: none;} 

/* Remove the delete container from the 3 dot menu next to file */
#app-content-files .action-delete-container {display: none} 

/* Remove the download option for a document in 3 dots menu in Collabora Header*/
#richdocuments-actions .icon-download { display: none} 

/* Remove download from the 3 dot menu on the right side of the file */
#app-content-files .action-download-container {display: none}  

/* Remove the download option form the Actions menu */
#app-content-files {display: none} 

/* Remove 3 dot menu from the header of the pdf viewer */
#viewer .action-item__menutoggle {display: none} 

/* Remove Edit with Collabora from 3 dot menu to right of file */
#app-content-files {display: none} 

/* Remove the delete file from the Action menu */
#app-content-files .action.delete.permanent {display: none}  

/* Do not show the file in the overview list */
tr[data-file*=""] {
display: none !important;

/* Hide the edit menu of the */
display: none !important;

/* Make the "editor field" not clickable */
#editor-wrapper div.ProseMirror[contenteditable="true"], 
#editor-wrapper div.ProseMirror[contenteditable="false"] {
pointer-events: none!important;

/* Hide the entire Workspace */
#rich-workspace #editor-container {
display: none !important;

/* Hide the ad banner in PDF-Viewer */
#body-public footer {
    display: none;

#body-public #content {
    min-height: 100%;

I update it when I update it....

#css #custom-css #nextcloud #tweaks