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Some useful AdGuard and uBlock rules

Background Info

Why AdGuard filter list over EasyList filter lists

Here are some suggestions for specific needs

AdGuard Base filter with Easy List

AdGuard Mobile Ads filter

AdGuard Tracking Protection filter

AdGuard Annoyances Filter


! Block downloading executable content from insecure HTTP only websites
! Block all on much abused generic TLDs. TLD is between ||* and ^$, e.g. ||*.BID^$
||*.asia^$csp=font-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' http: https: data: blob: mediastream: filesystem:
||*.asia^$csp=script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' http: https: data: blob: mediastream: filesystem:
! Block all on much abused country code TLDs. TLD is between ||* and ^$, e.g. ||*.AM^$
||*.cn^$csp=font-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' http: https: data: blob: mediastream: filesystem:
||*.cn^$csp=script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' http: https: data: blob: mediastream: filesystem:
! Block known video player iFrames

Block Chess News on YN

! Block Chess related News on YN\b(Carlsen|Chess|Nepo|Nepomniachtchi)\b/):style(background: #000;)

Block dangerous web-sockets and TLDs with uBlock

The list is alphabetically ordered based on above linked most dangerous domain websites.

SpamHaus TLDs are excluded because they are already blocked by almost every ISP by default.


Dealing with CSP and JS - This can break websites

! Disable Content Security Policies set by filters on all websites by setting a CSP with no values

! Block the use of eval javascript command but allow using uBlocks no-eval scriptlet on all websites

! Block individual third-party requests such as images, media etc.
! For only a specific website eg.
! |HTTP://*$third-party,~stylesheet,~image,~media,

Block all HTTP connections

|http: unset !important) div[data-testid="sheetDialog"]:upward(div[role="group"][tabindex="0"])

#Adguard #ublock